====== GuiModernTextListCtrl Status ======
The purpose of this page is for reporting the current status of the [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl]] project, and was made separate from the project page to make it easier to maintain and not become noise to the project documentation.
===== ToDo List=====
* Finish documenting the control's [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl#Methods]].
* Document the control's usage of [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl#Control Profiles]].
* Fix all the bugs in the [[#Known Bugs]] section.
* Finish and improve upon the Game Server Browser semi-simulator example script that is provided with the control's source code.
* Create and implement a real Game Server Browser window using the control as a replacement of the stock Torque 3D Join Game dialog.
===== Known Bugs =====
* Bitmaps (//'''' tag//) in row contents are not vertically centered as they're suppose to be. Fixed in [[#v1.01]].
* Row draw clipping rectangle isn't keeping the row's contents from leaking outside of the parent GuiScrollCtrl control as seen when scrolling the list and appearing under the bottom edge of the horizontal scroll bar.\\ Bug in GuiArrayCtrl parent control and fix submitted to [[http://www.garagegames.com/community/forums/viewthread/127723|GarageGames]]. Fix will also be provided within zip file for [[#v1.01]].
* Internal usage of variable mUseMarkup (//''useMarkup'' control field//) when set to ''**false**'' causes unexpected results such as some random amount of markup tags won't show up in the row and column contents at all, and within the GuiModernSort class's comparator operator the usage of mMarkup, sister variable to GuiModernTextListCtrl class's mUseMarkup, breaks sort order processing again when ''**false**''. At this time it is recommended to keep the ''useMarkup'' control field to ''**true**'' for now.
===== Changelog =====
==== 2011-09-19 - v1.01 ====
* Added workaround to resolve //''error C2668: 'std::swap' : ambiguous call to overloaded function''// for Visual Studio 2010.
* Fixed Bitmaps (//'''' tag//) not being drawn vertically centered in the row column contents.
* Fixed draw clip rectangle bug in parent control GuiArrayCtrl.
* Fixed row selection highlight color as expected for rows in an inactive state.
* Fixed usage of mMarkup (//internal [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl#Properties|useMarkup]] reference//) in the GuiModernSort column sort manager's comparator operator.
* Fixed [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl#addRow]] method not validating and returning the correct inserted row position.
* Added a new argument field //**flags**// to the [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl#addRow]] method for textual flags support.
* Added a new [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl#getColumnFlags]] method to retrieve a column's textual flags state.
* Added a new [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl#setRowFlags]] method to set a row's textual flags.
* Added a new [[programming/tge/controls/guimoderntextlistctrl#getRowFlags]] method to retrieve a row's textual flags state.
* Updated the GameBrowserGui.gui example script to make use of the new row textual flag features and improved column sorting for user accessibility.
==== 2011-08-21 - v1.00 ====
* Initial release of control.